The Cinematic Orchestra presents 'Man With A Movie Camera'
The Cinematic Orchestra presents 'Man With A Movie Camera'

26 February 2024

The Cinematic Orchestra presents 'Man With A Movie Camera'

The Cinematic Orchestra presents 'Man With A Movie Camera'

18 July 2024 - Castello Sforzesco - Milan

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19 July 2024 - Roma Summer Fest - Rome

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As part of the film festival celebrations of Porto being the European City of Culture in 2001, Jason Swinscoe of The Cinematic Orchestra was commissioned to score a soundtrack to a silent movie as a one-off performance. The film was Dziga Vertov's ‘Man With A Movie Camera,’ a 1929 early documentary cinema film from the Soviet Union, and hailed by many including The British Film Institute to be one of the greatest films of all time, nearly 100 years on from its creation. The performance took place in the historic Coliseu Porto, and ended with a standing ovation of 3,500 people. 

The band was in the process of writing “Every Day” when the film commission occurred, which had a formative influence on “Man With A Movie Camera”. Certain tracks that made it onto “Every Day” in other forms were written specifically for the score or were already in development, which allowed Swinscoe and the band to remold motifs to the film's unfolding narrative. 

When “Man With A Movie Camera” was eventually recorded and released in 2003, it was met with much acclaim everywhere, solidifying the band’s place in music history.

The Cinematic Orchestra

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